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Postgraduate students​

Lucia Zanotti, BSc; University of Milan and San Raffaele Scientific Institute - 2006-2009

Lucia was funded by an Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research fellowship. She completed her PhD in Experimental Neurology within 3 years and published total 6 papers (2 original reports, including a letter on Nature, and 4 review articles). Lucia currently works as Post-doctoral research Associate (PRA) with Luca Vago at the Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. 


Marco Bacigaluppi, MD; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy – 2003 to 2010.

Marco spent part of his Residency in Neurology working in the lab. After a year abroad working in Dirk Hermann’s lab at the Zurich University Hospital (Switzerland) on experimental middle cerebral artery occlusion in mice, Marco completed a PhD in Experimental Neurology (2013) with Gianvito Martino at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, where he currently holds a Postdoctoral fellowship. 


Michela Deleidi, MD; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy – 2003 to 2007 

Michela spent part of her Residency in Neurology working in the lab. After a first Post doc with Ole Isacson at Harvard University, Michela is now a Research Fellow at German Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, University of Tübingen, Germany. 


Chiara Cossetti, BSc; University of Oporto - 2007-2011

Chiara was funded by a fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). She completed her PhD in Basic and Applied Biology within 5 years and published total 9 papers (2 first authorships; 4 original reports, and 5 review articles). Chiara currently works as Flow Cytometry Senior Assistant at the Cambridge Institute of Medical Research, University of Cambridge, UK. 


Melania Cusimano, BSc; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy  - 2007-2010

Melania was funded by an Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research fellowship. She completed her PhD in Experimental Neurology within 3 years and published total 3 papers (1 first authorship; 2 original reports, and 1 review article).


Matteo Donega’, BSc; University of Cambridge - 2012 - 2015. 

Matteo did his PhD with us on Flexible, Degradable and Multifunctional Organic Electronic Devices to Interface with the Injured Spinal Cord. Matteo is now a Post Doctoral Scientist - Neural Interface Investigator within the Neural Interfacing Group at GlaxoSmithKline (UK).


Giulio Volpe, MD; , University of Cambridge - 2015 - 2016. 

Giulio was funded by a pilot grant from the Italian MS Foundation (FISM). He completed his MPhil in Clinical Neurosciences within 1 year and published total 4 papers (1 first authorship; 3 original reports, and 1 review article). Giulio currently works as Resident in Ophtalmology at the University of Rome- La Sapienza;


Tommaso Leonardi, BSc; , University of Cambridge - 2013 - 2016. 

Tommaso was funded by a European Research Council (ERC) and jointly supervised by Anton Enright (EBI). He completed his PhD in RNA genomics within 3 years and published total 11 papers (1 first authorship; 4 original reports, and 7 review article). Tommaso currently works Research Associate with Tony Kouzarides at Cambridge University;


Alice Braga, BSc; , University of Verona - 2013 - 2017. 

Alice was visiting PhD student from the University of Verona. She completed her PhD in Pharmacology within 4 years and published total 2 papers (1 first authorship; 2 original reports);


Joshua Bernstock, BSc; , NIH-OXCAM at the University of Cambridge - 2013 - 2017. 

Josh was an OXCAM Fellow at Cambridge University.  He completed his PhD in Clinical Neurosciences within 4 years and published total 10 papers (5 first authorship; 5 original reports, and 5 review article). Josh currently works as Medical Student at the University of Alabama (USA);


Luca Peruzzotti-Jametti, MD; University of Cambridge - 2014 - 2017.  

Luca was an Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellow at Cambridge University.  He completed his PhD in Clinical Neurosciences within 3 years and published total 17 papers (3 first authorship; 9 original reports, 5 review article, and 3 N&V articles). Luca currently works as Italian MS Foundation Senior Research Fellow in the lab;



Postdoctoral Research Associates​

Adaoha Elizabeth C. Ihekwaba, PhD; John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge – 2010 to 2011;


Clara Alfaro-Cervello, PhD; John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge – 2011 to 2013. Clara is now a Resident in Pathology at the University of Valencia, Spain;


Chiara Cossetti, PhD; John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, UK – 2011 to 2013. Chiara is now a Flow Cytometry Senior Assistant at the Cambridge Institute of Medical Research, University of Cambridge, UK.


Denise Drago, PhD; San Raffaele Scientific Institute – 2010 to 2014. Denise is now a post doctoral research Associate with Annapaola Andolfo at the  San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan (Italy).


Gillian Tannahill, PhD; John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge, UK – 2013 to 2014. Gillian is now Research Scientist at GSK, Stevenage (UK).


Elena Giusto, PhD; John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair, University of Cambridge - 2012 to 2015. Elena is now lab technician at University of Essex (UK);


Inma Conejos Sanchez, PhD; Clifford Allbutt Building - Cambridge Biosciences Campus, University of Cambridge - 2016-2017. Inma is now a Senior Scientist at the University of Valencia (Spain);


Nunzio Iraci, PhD; Clifford Allbutt Building - Cambridge Biosciences Campus, University of Cambride - 2011-2016. Nunzio is now an Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Catania (Italy);


Almudena Fuster Matanzo, PhD; Clifford Allbutt Building - Cambridge Biosciences Campus, University of Cambride - 2015-2016. Almudena is now a Medical writer in Madrid (Spain);


Dai Matsuse, MD, PhD; Clifford Allbutt Building - Cambridge Biosciences Campus, University of Cambridge - 2014-2017. Dai is now a Senior Scientist at the University of Sendai (Japan);


Alice Braga, PhD, University of Verona (Italy); Clifford Allbutt Building - Cambridge Biosciences Campus, University of Cambridge - 2015-2018. Alice is now a Post doctoral research associate with Phil Haydon at Tufts University (USA);



Undergraduate students

Lucia Zanotti; University of Milan, Italy - Bachelor in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; October 01 - March 03;


Marco Bacigaluppi; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Degree in Medicine and Surgery; June 03 - July 04;


Sebastiano Bucello; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Degree in Medicine and Surgery; June 03 - July 04;


Giulia Zotti; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Bachelor in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; October 04 - November 05; and Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology; September 06 - March 08;


Massimo Costanza; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Master Degree in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; October 06 - February 07;


Luca Peruzzotti-Jametti; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Degree in Medicine and Surgery; August 06 - September 07;


Giulia Tyzack; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology, September 08 - March 10;


Edoardo Gaude; University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology, September 10 - in March 12;


Sarah Ali Abdulla (Part II student): 16/05/2011 to 1/07/2011;


Matilde Stefanini, University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology; September 11 - in March 13;


Silvia Basilico, University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology; September 12 - in March 14; Currently doing a Cancer Research UK-sponsored PhD in Oncology at Cambridge University (with Bertie Gottgens);


Iacopo Bicci, University Vita & Salute, Milan, Italy - Master Degree in Cellular and Molecular Medical Biotechnology; September 14 - March 16; Currently PhD student at Cambridge University (with Patrick Chinnery);


Giulia Manferrari, University of Bologna, Italy - Master Degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; October 17-June 17; Currently working as Research Assistant at Cambridge University (with Ken Smith);


Sara Bandiera, University of Trieste, Italy - Master Degree in Neurosciences; January 17-May 18; Currently working as Research Assistant at Imperial College London (with Richard Reynolds);


Giuseppe D’Amico, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy - Master Degree in Neurosciences; October 17-October 18;


Veronica Testa, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy - Master Degree in Neurosciences; February 20-January 21;

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Pluchino Lab

Regenerative Neuroimmunology

University of Cambridge Bioscience Campus

Department of Clinical Neurosciences

Clifford Albutt Building

Hills Road

Cambridge, CB2 0AH (UK)

Tel: +44 1223 762042


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